Exchange listings

Расширенные сетевые соединения

Для клиентов, использующих какой-либо из следующих видов соединения, установлены минимальные комиссии:

Trader Workstation и TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
Не поддерживается Не поддерживается Минимальная комиссия 1 500 USD в месяц за первую сессию; Минимальная комиссия 1 000 USD в месяц за дополнительные линии
Gateway (интернет)
Trader Workstation и TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
Минимальная комиссия 10 USD в месяц (3 USD для клиентов младше 25) Минимальная комиссия 10 USD в месяц (3 USD для клиентов младше 25) Минимальная комиссия 1 500 USD в месяц за первую сессию; Минимальная комиссия 1 000 USD в месяц за дополнительные линии
OAuth (интернет)
Trader Workstation и TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
Не поддерживается Минимальная комиссия 10 USD в месяц (3 USD для клиентов младше 25)

(только для фин. консультантов и организаций)

Не поддерживается
Экстранет (Radianz, TNS)
Trader Workstation и TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
Минимальная комиссия 500 USD в месяц Минимальная комиссия 500 USD в месяц Минимальная комиссия 1 500 USD в месяц за первую сессию; Минимальная комиссия 1 000 USD в месяц за дополнительные линии
Выделенная линия (Verizon, AT&T и др.)
Trader Workstation и TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
Минимальная комиссия 500 USD в месяц Минимальная комиссия 500 USD в месяц Минимальная комиссия 1 500 USD в месяц за первую сессию; Минимальная комиссия 1 000 USD в месяц за дополнительные линии
Trader Workstation и TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
Минимальная комиссия 500 USD в месяц Минимальная комиссия 500 USD в месяц Минимальная комиссия 1 500 USD в месяц за первую сессию; Минимальная комиссия 1 000 USD в месяц за дополнительные линии


  • Особые сборы за подключение резидентов Чикаго (IL) будут подлежать чикагскому налогу на имущество физических лиц. Дополнительная информация доступна в статье
  • Особые сборы за подключение резидентов Коннектикута будут подлежать коннектикутскому налогу на имущество физических лиц. Дополнительная информация доступна в статье

Дополнительная информация доступна на странице Решения API.

Enhanced Network Connections

Clients requiring any of the connections listed below are subject to the following minimum commissions:

Trader Workstation and TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
Not supported Not supported USD 1,500.00 per month minimum commission for first session; USD 1,000.00 per month minimum commission for any subsequent line(s)
Gateway (Internet)
Trader Workstation and TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
USD 0.00 per month minimum commission USD 0.00 per month minimum commission USD 1,500.00 per month minimum commission for first session; USD 1,000.00 per month minimum commission for any subsequent line(s)
OAuth (Internet)
Trader Workstation and TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
Not supported USD 0.00 per month minimum commission Not supported
Extranet (Radianz, TNS)
Trader Workstation and TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
USD 500.00 per month minimum commission USD 500.00 per month minimum commission USD 1,500.00 per month minimum commission for first session; USD 1,000.00 per month minimum commission for any subsequent line(s)
Dedicated Leased Line (Verizon, AT&T, etc.)
Trader Workstation and TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
USD 500.00 per month minimum commission USD 500.00 per month minimum commission USD 1,500.00 per month minimum commission for first session; USD 1,000.00 per month minimum commission for any subsequent line(s)
Trader Workstation and TWS API REST API FIX CTCI
USD 500.00 per month minimum commission USD 500.00 per month minimum commission USD 1,500.00 per month minimum commission for first session; USD 1,000.00 per month minimum commission for any subsequent line(s)


  • Residents of Chicago, IL will be subject to a Chicago Personal Property Tax on special connectivity costs. For additional information, please refer to the following link
  • Residents of Connecticut will be subject to a Connecticut Sales Tax on special connectivity costs. For additional information, please refer to the following link

See the API Solutions for more details.

Portfolio Margin

Under SEC-approved Portfolio Margin rules and using our real-time margin system, our customers are able in certain cases to increase their leverage beyond Reg T margin requirements. For decades margin requirements for securities (stocks, options and single stock futures) accounts have been calculated under a Reg T rules-based policy. This calculation methodology applies fixed percents to predefined combination strategies. With Portfolio Margin, margin requirements are determined using a «risk-based» pricing model that calculates the largest potential loss of all positions in a product class or group across a range of underlying prices and volatilities. This model, known as the Theoretical Intermarket Margining System («TIMS»), is applied each night to U.S. stocks, OCC stock and index options and U.S. single stock futures positions by the federally-chartered Options Clearing Corporation(«OCC») and is disseminated by the OCC to participating brokerage firms each night. The minimum margin requirement in a Portfolio Margin account is static during the day because the OCC only disseminates the TIMS parameter requirements once per day.

However, Portfolio Margin compliance is updated by us throughout the day based on the real-time price of the equity positions in the Portfolio Margin account. Please note, at this time, Portfolio Margin is not available for U.S. commodities futures and futures options, U.S. bonds, Mutual Funds, or Forex positions, but U.S. regulatory bodies may consider inclusion of these products at a future date.

Portfolio or risk based margin has been utilized for many years in both commodities and many non-U.S. securities markets, with great success. Dependent upon the composition of the trading account, Portfolio Margin may require a lower margin than that required under Reg T rules, which translates to greater leverage. Trading with greater leverage involves greater risk of loss. There is also the possibility that, given a specific portfolio composed of positions considered as having higher risk, the requirement under Portfolio Margin may be higher than the requirement under Reg T. Part of the reasoning behind the creation of Portfolio Margin is that the margin requirements would more accurately reflect the actual risk of the positions in an account. Thus, it is possible that, in a highly concentrated account, a Portfolio Margin approach may result in higher margin requirements than under Reg T. One of the main goals of Portfolio Margin is to reflect the lower risk inherent in a balanced portfolio of hedged positions. Conversely, Portfolio Margin must assess proportionately larger margin for accounts with positions which represent a concentration in a relatively small number of stocks.

Счета брокеров

Требуется предварительный депозит в размере 10 000 USD (или эквивалентная сумма в другой валюте), который будет зачтен в счет комиссий за первые 8 месяцев.

Временные рамки Требуемые минимальные комиссии Примеры (USD или эквивалент в другой валюте)
Первые 8 месяцев 10 000 USD (или эквивалентная сумма в другой валюте) Если общие комиссии за первые 8 месяцев меньше обязательного минимума, то разница взимается в качестве эксплуатационного сбора. Пример: минимум 10 000 USD — комиссии 7 000 USD = эксплуатационный сбор 3 000 USD.
Начиная с 9 месяца 2 000 USD в месяц (или эквивалент в другой валюте) Если общие комиссии за любой месяц в течение первых 8 месяцев меньше ежемесячного минимума, то разница взимается в качестве эксплуатационного сбора. Пример: минимум 2 000 USD — комиссии 1 400 USD = эксплуатационный сбор 600 USD.

Special Cases

  • Accounts that at one time had more than 25,000 USD, were identified as accounts with day trading activity, and thereafter the Net Liquidation Value in the account dropped below 25,000 USD, may find themselves subject to the 90 day trading restriction. The restrictions can be lifted by increasing the equity in the account or following the release procedure located in the Day Trading FAQ section.
  • The proceeds of an option exercise or assignment will count towards day trading activity as if the underlying had been traded directly. Deliveries from single stock futures or lapse of options are not considered part of a day trading activity.

Additional details relating to PDT regulations and our implementation of these rules can be found in the FAQ section.

Adjustments to Previous Day’s Equity and First Day Trading

The previous day’s equity is recorded at the close of the previous day (4:15 PM ET). Previous day’s equity must be at least 25,000 USD. However, net deposits and withdrawals that brought the previous day’s equity up to or greater than the required 25,000 USD after 4:15 PM ET on the previous trading day are handled as adjustments to the previous day’s equity, so that on the next trading day, the customer is able to trade.

For example, suppose a new customer’s deposit of 50,000 USD is received after the close of the trading day. Even though his previous day’s equity was 0 at the close of the previous day, we handle the previous day’s late deposit as an adjustment, and this customer’s previous day equity is adjusted to 50,000 USD and he is able to trade on the first trading day. Without this adjustment, the customer’s trades would be rejected on the first trading day based on the previous day’s equity recorded at the close.

Broker Accounts

A USD 10,000 (or non-USD equivalent) up front deposit will be required that will be applied against commissions during the first 8 months.

Time Period Required Minimum Commissions Examples (USD or non-USD equivalent)
The first 8 months USD 10,000 (or non-USD equivalent) If total commissions paid during the first 8 months are less than the required minimum, the difference is paid as a maintenance fee. Example: USD 10,000 minimum — USD 7,000 commissions = USD 3,000 maintenance fee.
Starting the 9th month USD 2,000 per month (or non-USD equivalent) If total commissions paid during any month after the first 8 months are less than the monthly minimum, the difference is paid as a maintenance fee. Example: USD 2,000 minimum — USD 1,400 commissions = USD 600 maintenance fee.
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